In the creative industries, everyone is seen as an innovator, a disruptor, and a master of „synergy“. However, the use of tired, overused buzzwords in meetings and design briefs has rendered them meaningless. It’s time to bid farewell to these clichés and start communicating more effectively.
Let’s discuss the top ten creative industry offenders that often sound impressive but convey little substance. Words like „purpose-led“ have been overused and are now being replaced with more direct terms like „purposeful“. Similarly, the term „strategy“ is often used vaguely and should be replaced with more specific language to avoid confusion.
The term „premium“ is frequently used to describe tech products, but its meaning can be abstract and unclear without a physical product to showcase. A similar issue arises with the buzzword „sustainability“, which is often misused by brands looking to appear eco-friendly without making significant changes.
Phrases like „bring the energy“ and „brave or fearless“ are also falling out of favor, as they lack substance and fail to inspire meaningful work. It’s time to retire these clichés and focus on actions that truly make a difference in the creative industry. Let’s speak like humans again and leave these tired buzzwords behind in 2025. In a world saturated with campaigns labeled as „brave“ or „fearless,“ these terms have become overly used and almost feel like a marketing gimmick.
To truly embody bravery, one must take risks and challenge norms in their work. Let actions speak louder than words.
When it comes to buzzwords, „empower“ is a common offender. Often used to mask the power already present within individuals, it can sometimes come across as a polite way of asking for action.
Similarly, the term „authentic“ lacks context and specificity. It’s important to delve deeper into what authenticity truly means for a brand.
The word „culture“ has also lost its impact due to overuse. Rather than forcing cultural relevance, focus on creating work that naturally belongs in the cultural landscape.
Lastly, „storytelling“ has become a diluted marketing tactic. Instead, look to industries like video games and manga for inspiration on creating meaningful narratives.
To combat the prevalence of buzzwords, an app like Ick can help identify and replace tired phrases and jargon in copywriting. By offering feedback on problematic words and phrases, it aims to elevate the quality of written content. Letztendlich haben sie es entworfen, um sich selbst, ihren Kunden und der breiteren kreativen Gemeinschaft zu helfen, mit mehr Klarheit, Kreativität und Originalität zu schreiben.
Inklusivität war auch ein Anliegen, daher enthält die Ick-App mehrere verschiedene „Modi“, die darauf abzielen, den Schreibprozess angenehmer und benutzerfreundlicher zu gestalten. Ick hat versucht, alle Basen abzudecken, ob Sie einen dyslexiefreundlichen Modus, einen auf Fokus ausgerichteten Lightbox-Modus oder einen Nachteulenmodus für nächtliche kreative Sprints benötigen.
Also, wenn Sie es satt haben, gegen die „Buzzword-Lawine“ anzukämpfen, die oft das Geschäfts- und Kreativschreiben plagt, könnte die Ick-App das Werkzeug sein, von dem Sie nicht wussten, dass Sie es brauchen. Halten Sie Ausschau nach dem Start in den nächsten Wochen.
Allgemein gesprochen ist es klar, dass wir alle nach ehrlicher und spezifischer Kommunikation streben. Vielleicht müssen einige dieser Begriffe nicht für immer verworfen werden; sie müssen einfach sorgfältiger berücksichtigt und auf die richtige Weise verwendet werden.
Langfristig wird dies wahrscheinlich bedeuten, dass Kreative mehr Zeit damit verbringen können, die Arbeit zu tun, die sie lieben, anstatt darüber zu sprechen!