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Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (D) is facing increasing criticism for her handling of the wildfires that have ravaged the city, sparking doubts about her political future as the region grapples with the ongoing crisis.

Critics have pointed to Bass’s decision to travel abroad before the wildfires erupted, despite her promise not to do so before taking office, as well as her approval of a budget that reduced funding for the city’s fire department. This has led to harsh scrutiny of Bass, particularly as other California officials have also come under fire for their response to the wildfires.

While the wildfires have claimed the lives of at least 24 people, Bass has faced some of the strongest backlash as the city’s leader and a prominent progressive figure. Calls for her resignation have intensified, with a petition garnering over 134,000 signatures.

The criticism of Bass has been amplified by her absence during the initial stages of the wildfires, as she was returning from an official trip to Ghana. Her opponents, including tech billionaire Elon Musk, have seized on this opportunity to challenge her leadership.

Despite efforts by Bass’s supporters to defend her actions, concerns remain about her ability to weather this political storm. The fallout from her handling of the wildfires, coupled with budget cuts to the fire department, has raised questions about her leadership and whether she can recover from this crisis. „Der eine Moment, in dem Wähler wirklich genau hingesehen haben, und Sie haben eine Chance, einen ersten Eindruck zu machen, und dann ist sie bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht wirklich unter die Lupe genommen worden als Bürgermeisterin.“

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Aktualisiert um 8:57 Uhr EST.
